Six months ago billionaire Barry Sterlicht likened the Commercial Real Estate sector to being "in a Category 5 Hurricane."
A Hurricane gathers energy from the warm ocean as it travels towards land to unleash its power.
In the same way, the Commercial Real Estate Hurricane has gathered strength from cheap loans for many years. The current interest rate environment, declining tenancy, and business failures are about to drive the Real Estate Hurricane to make landfall.
Some big banks have already taken a hit from real estate devaluations. Others will follow.
No one will escape the coming economic destruction. But those who take concrete steps now will fare much, much better than those who wait or do nothing at all.
Mark from North Dakota called just a few minutes ago while we were writing this. Mark told us:
"I saw the silver price is down so I figured we'd get another $20,000. We've gotta try to get some of our cash out of the bank. I don't see anything good coming in the next year."
Mark also told us that he had recently listened to the Radio WAVE broadcast, "Scary: If You Don't Make Changes Now," in which a Friend of Medjugorje highlighted a recently released book titled, The Great Taking.
Mark said The Great Taking was eye opening, and even though he is not well versed in the technical side of the investment markets, he understood the concepts in The Great Taking and the unacceptable risk of leaving your money in the bank or stock market.
Mark is moving as much of his free cash as he can into the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds while simultaneously building a home on a new piece of land and heading towards a life more tied to the soil.
Although Mark and his wife had already exchanged $250,000 for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds, he wanted to get as much as he could out of the bank, which led him to call us today.
A Friend of Medjugorje has often explained that people must be making moves to get closer to the soil and to get separated from the failing financial systems. More than just a problem identifier, a Friend of Medjugorje offers practical and actionable solutions. Click here for a free download of It Ain't Gonna Happen by a Friend of Medjugorje to learn more about getting closer to the soil and separating from the financial systems. Or call Century Silver at 877-936-7686, and we will mail you a free printed copy.
Right now, you still have time to be "first in line" to exchange worthless paper money and electronic investments for physical silver in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds. Don't wait for the fire alarm to be pulled when everyone else is trying to rush through the emergency door at the same time. You will be crushed and left behind.
Turn paper into silver immediately by clicking here. Or call Century Silver Exchange at 877-936-7686 to ask questions or place larger orders by phone. Share this information with any many people as you can.
God bless,
Century Silver Exchange
Disclaimer: Any written sources provided by Century Silver Exchange are based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. The information is provided with the understanding that Century Silver Exchange is not engaged to render legal, accounting or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, or real estate professional. The information included in written resources may have already been changed by recent events and must be verified elsewhere before choosing to act on it. Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds and related products may appreciate, depreciate, or stay the same depending upon a variety of factors. Century Silver Exchange cannot guarantee, and makes no representation, that the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds and related products will appreciate.
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