Make Money Great Again!

January 29, 2025

Make Money Great Again!

A Friend of Medjugorje has been saying for decades:

"Medjugorje is ALWAYS bigger than you think!"

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that what you are a part of is not really all that big, but you would be very wrong to think that. 

The map above shows the locations where the 18,000+ orders for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds have been shipped since 2010!  This nation is covered with Our Lady through the nearly 6 million Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds that have been produced.  We didn't have the space to show you Alaska and Hawaii, but Our Lady is there on the Rounds too -- and even in China!

In a Friend of Medjugorje's book, It Ain't Gonna Happen (download free here or call us at 877-936-7686  for a free copy), part of his "calculation" in choosing to place the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje image on a silver round included his understanding that almost nothing in the world "moves" like money.  Money is always moving and constantly changing hands.  The number of financial/money transactions that occur on a daily basis in the world right now is staggering.  In the United States, just the credit card transactions alone (not including cash, checks, etc.) that occur each day is close to 150 Million per day!

Knowing just how much "money moves," it is therefore easy to understand that every single person in the United States has a good chance of having a Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round pass through their hands in the near future.  Can you imagine that?  Did you mistakenly think you were part of something small?

Make Money Great Again!

This is the moment to make bold and decisive moves to project yourself from financial disaster.  President Trump is racing ahead with bold actions.  Some of what President Trump is doing will appear to cause short-term damage/loss (i.e. tariffs, deportations), but he knows he still must take these actions to prevent long-term disaster for the Nation.

You also might be thinking that converting your stock accounts, retirement accounts, or other bank accounts to the physical silver Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds will cause you a loss -- and it may appear this way at first glance.  But you must be willing to overcome the fear of short-term appearances in order to preserve in the long-term what you have labored your whole life to save.

And do not only make these moves only for yourself and your loved ones, but also spread this information to as many people as possible.  You cannot afford to be shy.  The more people around you who have protected their wealth, the more secure you will be as well.  Call us at 877-936-7686 to request FREE materials to share with others who need this vital information.

Announcing Major Strike Fee Discount

To Help Make Money Great Again!

In order to help spread Our Lady's Miraculous Medal Image to others and help you put more silver in your pocket, we are announcing the largest strike fee discount in 4 years!

Not since 2020 have we been able to offer a strike fee so low.  We're playing our part to help Make America Great Again by helping to Make Money Great Again!

To make things simple, we are offering the same strike fee to everyone regardless of the size of your order.  EVERYONE gets a volume discount at the lowest level in 4 years.

Effective immediately today, we are offering all sizes of the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds at Spot Price + $4.00 strike fee.  One Ounce.  Half Ounce.  Quarter Ounce.  Tenth Ounce.

Five and Ten ounce bars will follow the same pricing, but the strike for Five and Ten Ounce bars will be $4.00 per ounce (ex:  strike for a 5 ounce bar is $4.00 x 5 ounces = $20.00).

We will hold to this pricing as long as the market allows us to.  A major demand spike or rapid change in spot price can quickly impact our ability to keep strike fees down this low.

Make America Great Again and HOLY

Lastly, a Friend of Medjugorje aired a Special World Report last night titled, "Make America Great Again and Holy."  The broadcast will blow you away and deepen your conviction that you have become part of something so big that you cannot imagine the scope of how your participation in Our Lady's plans is impacting the entire world, and will continue to impact the world until the end of time.  You must set aside some quiet and click here and listen to "Make America Great Again and Holy" from a Friend of Medjugorje.

Call Century Silver today at 877-936-7686 to talk with us about your retirement or investment accounts.  You can also place an order by phone or request free materials for yourself or to educate others.

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders.

We thank all of you who have chosen to walk this path of unique collaboration with Our Lady that a Friend of Medjugorje launched almost 15 years ago.  Let's keep pushing ahead together! 

God bless,

Century Silver Exchange


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